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As practicing nurses, you need research to help you advance in your field, stay updated, and offer better patient care. This assessment is designed to help you understand the differences betw

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As practicing nurses, you need research to help you advance in your field, stay updated, and offer better patient care. This assessment is designed to help you understand the differences betw   As practicing nurses, you need research to help you advance in your field, stay updated, and offer better patient care. This assessment is designed to help you understand the differences between qualitative and quantitative research designs, as well as select the appropriate method for the research question you have been working on throughout the course.  Step 1: Restate your research question and select the type of research (quantitative or qualitative) that is most appropriate for it.  Step 2: Summarize the major steps in that type of research.  Step 3: Determine the specific type or approach (e.g., quasi-experimental, phenomenological) you would employ and explain why that is the best selection.  Step 4: Explain potential data.  Step 5: Explain how analyzing and interpreting that data can inform your research question.  Format your assignment as one of the following:  18- to 20-slide presentation  The slides themselves should only contain essential information and as little text as possible. Do not design a slide presentation made up of long bullet points. Your speaker notes convey the details you would give if you were presenting. See the Create Speaker Notes section of the PowerPoint 2013 Training video.  Record and upload a video of a 15- to 20-minute oral presentation. Review the How to Record High-Quality Videos for Online Courses at Home article for helpful techniques on how to record your video.  Format your citations for at least 1 peer-reviewed resource per APA guidelines.  RUBRIC113022.docx RUBRIC 1. APPROPRIATE RESEARCH METHOD AND RESTATEMENT OF RESEARCH QUESTION-Accomplished >Selected the appropriate research method for the chosen and appropriately restated research question. 2. RESEARCH METHOD STEPS-Accomplished Accurately summarized the major steps of the selected research method. 3. RESEARCH APPROACH-Accomplished >Accurately selected and explained the specific type of research approach to be employed. 4. POTENTIAL DATA-Accomplished >Accurately explained the potential data. 5. DATA ANALYSIS-Accomplished >Accurately explained how analyzing and interpreting the data can inform the research question. 6. RESOURCES-Accomplished > Cited more than 1 peer-reviewed and 1 evidence-based practice. 6. WRITING-Accomplished > The presentation was concise, with exceptional attention to detail, and was free of errors. 7. APA-Accomplished >The references were properly formatted according to APA guidelines, and the presentation included correct APA citations for all sources.


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