Module 1 Writing Posttest

author avatar September 12th, 2024 / / 0 comments Consider a law enforcement agency that you are familiar with. Fill in the chart below: Programs and Policies that Generate Goodwill with the Community: Incidents, Policies or Programs that have been Negative toward the Community: Reflection : Chart 1 Where do you think this agency ends up? Do they have a positive balance or negative […]

Write a 150- to 200-word personal statement that reflects your anti-racist social work practice

author avatar September 12th, 2024 / / 0 comments In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the rise of anti-Asian sentiment, many organizations and institutions have posted anti-racist statements on their websites. The statements typically condemn racism and describe the ways in which the organization is combatting racism and working toward allyship with communities of color. […]

Explain the difference between fundamental and applied research.

author avatar September 12th, 2024 / / 0 comments Watch the following video and explain the difference between fundamental and applied research. Give an example of each. (300 words 1 reference/intext citation)

Reflections of a 12-Step Meeting

author avatar September 12th, 2024 / / 0 comments CNDV 5312 Group Theories and Techniques Week 4 Application Assignment: Reflections of a 12-Step Meeting This assignment includes a dialogue that you must have with at least one member at the group attended (the chairperson/leader is usually accessible and willing to talk with you before or after the group). Jot down your thoughts of the […]


author avatar September 12th, 2024 / / 0 comments First, you should select a brief section or passage from your chosen reading. Place that passage at the top of your response (or indicate where it is in the reading by stating the page numbers). Next, you should write 300 words (not counting the selected passage) in which you analyze—not summarize—the significance of that selection. […]

Critical Thinking week 2 DB (V)

author avatar September 12th, 2024 / / 0 comments Last week we began to learn how we think as individuals. This week we will reflect a bit on what we actually know and how we organize that knowledge in our own minds. What do you really know about various topics? Chances are it may be more than you realize! In this discussion we will […]

A 25-year-old Hispanic female, computer programmer presents to your clinic complaining of a 12-day history of a runny nose

author avatar September 12th, 2024 / / 0 comments A 25-year-old Hispanic female, computer programmer presents to your clinic complaining of a 12-day history of a runny nose. States that her symptoms began about 12 days ago. She suffers from allergies; she gets a runny nose during the spring-time, pollen season. However, in the winter, her allergies are not a problem.. (BP) 115/75, (P) […]

A 42-year-old African American female who refers that she has been noticing slow and progressive swelling on her neck for about a year

author avatar September 12th, 2024 / / 0 comments Chief complaint -neck swelling” History of Present Illness (HPI)- A 42-year-old African American female who refers that she has been noticing slow and progressive swelling on her neck for about a year. Also she stated she has lost weight without any food restriction PMH- negative Past surgical history-Surgical removal of benign left breast nodule 2 […]

What is the difference between intelligence and IQ?

author avatar September 12th, 2024 / / 0 comments · What is the difference between intelligence and IQ? · Which subtest on the WAIS-IV do you think you would score highest on and which subtest do you think you would score lowest on? Why?

Identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry

author avatar September 12th, 2024 / / 0 comments Searching Databases When you decide to purchase a new car, you first decide what is important to you. If mileage and dependability are the important factors, you will search for data focused more on these factors and less on color options and sound systems. The same holds true when searching for research evidence to guide […]

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