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Choose a person to analyze. This can be a historical figure, a famous person (politician, celebrity, musician), or a fictional character from a book or other media.

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Choose a person to analyze. This can be a historical figure, a famous person (politician, celebrity, musician), or a fictional character from a book or other media. Choose a person to analyze. This can be a historical figure, a famous person (politician, celebrity, musician), or a fictional character from a book or other media. Just be sure you have enough information on this person’s personality and background to fully analyze them.   Describe this person’s personality in detail using language and concepts from at least two personality theorists discussed in Chapter 11.   Analyze this person from two different perspectives about personality development (e.g., Sigmund Freud’s psychosexual development and Abraham Maslow’s humanistic views about personality development or Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development and Carl Roger’s humanistic views about personality development.   Explain how this person’s personality would be described by each of those theorists. In other words, construct information that discusses how each theorist developed his/her perspective on personality development. Also, explain how each theory differs.   If the person you described experiences psychological issues or psychopathology, select at least two different therapeutic approaches or treatment plan listed in Chapter 16.   Explain how your chosen theories (e.g., Psychodynamic, Horney’s Coping Styles) can be used to restore a state of health and psychological well-being to the person.   In other words, if they suffer from anxiety/depression or other disorders, how would a psychotherapy or biomedical therapy help them overcome those disorders?   Format Instructions:   Each slide should contain at least one reference, including in-text citations   A solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, including an APA formatted reference slide, which can be found in the examples provided in the lessons area.   This assignment follows the written assignment rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.   You are required to upload this assignment in a PowerPoint to Blackboard no longer than the due date. Late assignments will not be accepted.


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