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Compare two different models of intercultural competence.

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Compare two different models of intercultural competence. The discussion question is Compare two different models of intercultural competence. What stands out to you about the different ways scholars interpret intercultural competence? Explain. I don’t know what to respond to them.  I will post the responses below.   I am not looking for an answer to the discussion question. I am looking for help on what to respond to the the posts that my classmates made.       Below are the posts that my classmates made. I am required to reply to them by providing feedback on my thoughts about their post.           1. The two models of intercultural competence i chose to compare are the character traits model and the social skills model. I chose these two because they have the same principle throughout yet are different. The character traits model relies on what traits the communicator is already capable of whereas the social skills model relies on what traits the communicator can learn. In the character traits model, those who already possess social skills will decide what skills can apply to the culture and communication within the culture in order to get their point across. The social skills model will assimilate the communicator to the social skills they need and provide them with the specific tool for a specific culture rather than deciding what culture the preexisting tools apply to. What stands out to me is how important being personable and capable to follow social standards in communication. For example, there may be a Chinese business meeting with the most well known and smartest business man in America, but if they are socially awkward or don’t understand the social standards of the Chinese culture they could ruin the business deal even if it greatly benefits both parties.       2. The character traits model is focused on the communicator’s character, while the social skills model emphasizes the level of socialization or social behavior the communicator has in a new culture.  Character traits an individual might have are empathy or openness. The character trait model is important to have certain characteristics and to improve one’s emotional intelligence. The social skills model refers to how well one can learn important techniques in the social behavior of a new culture (Greener, 2014). In terms of the different ways scholars interpret intercultural competence, it’s fascinating to learn that a lot of the models mentioned deal with emotional intelligence. The cognitive awareness model revolves around awareness which is a huge aspect of emotional intelligence. The listed traits for effectiveness such as empathy, personal control, and the ability to not criticize the host people are all traits that deal with emotional intelligence which is huge in communication and especially in a new culture.       3. The character traits model is focused on the communicator’s character, while the social skills model emphasizes the level of socialization or social behavior the communicator has in a new culture.  Character traits an individual might have are empathy or openness. The character trait model is important to have certain characteristics and to improve one’s emotional intelligence. The social skills model refers to how well one can learn important techniques in the social behavior of a new culture (Greener, 2014). In terms of the different ways scholars interpret intercultural competence, it’s fascinating to learn that a lot of the models mentioned deal with emotional intelligence. The cognitive awareness model revolves around awareness which is a huge aspect of emotional intelligence. The listed traits for effectiveness such as empathy, personal control, and the ability to not criticize the host people are all traits that deal with emotional intelligence which is huge in communication and especially in a new culture.  


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