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In response to your Sheena and John posts, share any preconceived notions you may have about their topic. Lastly, consider how further exploration of the viewpoints around their topic would p

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In response to your Sheena and John posts, share any preconceived notions you may have about their topic. Lastly, consider how further exploration of the viewpoints around their topic would p   In response to your Sheena and John posts, share any preconceived notions you may have about their topic. Lastly, consider how further exploration of the viewpoints around their topic would potentially change the lens through which they currently view the event. Sheena post I do not think this statement represents the entire picture. For me I would include what was it about the native land that was so desirable to these people. In preparing for the Cherokee removal, state and federal officials were motivated solely by desire to seize the natives’ land. The native’s land was desirable to the eyes of state and federal officers. They wanted the native’s land and made a plan to drive the Cherokees away. For this revision, I wanted to make it more appealing to my audience of high school aged kids and young adults. I would like to research more on my topic and see if there journals from Abraham Lincoln and the people who worked for him. It would be great if I could find audio of Lincoln discussing his idea of the Emancipation Proclamation. John post The claim “In preparing for the Cherokee removal, state and federal officials were motivated solely by desire to seize the natives’ land” fails to present the complexity of the motivations behind the Cherokee removal. Ultimately, the removal of the Cherokee native Americans from the Georgia area was motivated by many factors besides strictly the desire for the land they were inhabiting. A revised statement might take into consideration the integration efforts of the Cherokee people as well as the resources that state government sought to control such as the gold deposits found on the land.   Concerning my own topic, which examines the Tet Offensive of 1968 through the lens of military history, a broader understanding of the event might be achieved if one were to examine its impact on global politics. As I have chosen to study this event with an emphasis on how it affected American history, certain context has been omitted that are nonetheless important to scholars of history. Important information to include regarding this event are the motivations and strategies that pushed the North Vietnamese and how the global community, including the South Vietnamese and Australians who also took part in the conflict, reacted to and were affected by the event. RESPOND TO MELISSA AND DAVID POST BELOW with a 100 words Melissa post   Probability is the likelihood of something happening the way you intend it to in a given situation. You can test this likelihood by doing an experiment and recording the outcomes which is the percentage of times that the outcome that you wanted to happen happened. Sample space would be the variables per se of the item that you use if it were an item that you were measuring. Take a single 6-sided dice for example. Its sample space would be S= {1,2,3,4,5,6}. Doing an experiment like this can be helpful to us to figure out the probability of a situation happening that would give us the desired outcome for something such as the probability that on the way to work, you run into all green lights, so you make excellent time. Or if you leave at a certain time of day, what is the probability that traffic will be lighter so that you make it into work within thirty minutes instead of the sixty minutes during heavier traffic times. Another time I have used probability in real life is when buying scratch off tickets at the gas station for fun sometimes. I am not quite sure how to figure out the probability of me winning anything, but I do know that I have won something about 7 out of the 10 times that I have bought them for fun. So, I am guessing that is a decent probability. David post    Well, I did not expect the concepts for this week in the learning activities. Probability solving is not a subject that I would say I am strong in. More reading on the formulas that help to solve the probabilities will be needed for me moving forward. What I remember as of now of what was in the learning activities would be that we learned about sample space, outcomes. In my opinion I believe the concept of probability is to determine how often a specific outcome may occur depending on the experiment being conducted. Probabilities may be useful to us, for example in my professional life these concepts can be performed to determine how often a part may fail which can help in the resolve of this issue in determining the route cause. There was an experiment that was done during a Six Sigma course I was in at my workplace. We were having an issue with high volume of scrap in a cell of operation. This operation had 3 cells within the line itself, we conducted experiments to determine how often this scrap occurred, where it occurred and what specific parts it occurred. We then were able to find a resolution to the issue after discovering when an operator entered a safety light curtain, the cell lost air pressure which caused the equipment to essentially fail during cycle without knowing it was failing.  Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Discuss the concept of probability, including the notion of an experiment, outcomes, and sample space. How can each of these be useful to us? Describe an example from your own personal or professional experiences where you are focused on obtaining a specific, desired outcome. Evaluate what the ideal experiment, outcome, and sample space are for that situation.  


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