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Input what will be the possivle target audience who will use our app. Explain furthermore for out target audience part.

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Input what will be the possivle target audience who will use our app. Explain furthermore for out target audience part. Help me with our target audience part for our application. Input what will be the possivle target audience who will use our app. Explain furthermore for out target audience part. I only need for thr target audience part   _________________________________________________   Target Audience (Description of your target market/costumer)    The Target audiences and beneficiaries that will buy and use this product/ application/service are as follows    a. Philippine Government Agencies    b. Public and Private Road Transportation    c. Civilian Commuters       Here’s a description about our application.   PROJECT BRIEF    Background Information (Overview of the problem or issue that your product can solve or address)    D!RECT is a navigating application that allows for the user to maximize the efficiency of their travel and safety predicaments. This application offers several advantages regarding road travel. On the other hand, 4OUR 4UTURE is a research and development as well as business company who aims to be one of the best innovative companies in the world by offering services and improving the efficiency of living by providing lenient ways of traveling, conversing and even safety monitoring of roads, infrastructures and many more. Through the years, there have been a lot of casualties happened in the roads. Different casualties occurred due to inadequate safety procedures and features that are efficient enough to minimize such losses. Traffic accidents and incidents happen from human-to-human contact and confrontation is a visible problem that occurs in everyday basis. The lack of government implemented navigating apps has been around the country for the past years hence, the security and safety of commuters has always been at risk. This application supervises different problems in terms of traffic engineering, road accidents and traffic congestions and the lack of emergency hotlines in regard to traffic accidents and other reasons.        Project Objectives and Success Metrics (Your company’s mission, target objectives, and success metrics)    This application has a lot of significant features such as the following: Map Navigation where it shows both 2d and 3d view of the landmark, Weather Statistic Possibilities that is being monitored by PAG-ASA, emergency hotlines connected to PNP, BFP and other security hotlines, Live Monitoring Cameras installed in each intersection, highways and major streets, traffic light signal indicators with timers, and most importantly the data-stored navigation for offline purposes. The project aims to develop and advance the technology within the area of Mapua University (Intramuros to Manila City Hall) in its first year; to broaden the number of beneficiaries around Manila in its second year; and to cover the whole Metro Manila       List of Functions (The functions/capabilities of your product)    The target market are as follows: Public and private drivers, and commuters. The service is partnered with the Philippine Government and its traffic and road official departments such as LTFRB and MMDA therefore providing service all over the country. This product is marketable via collaboration with the government agencies to provide accurate and essential road mapping as well as safety/emergency hotlines for the consumer (Philippine Citizens)        This application has a lot of significant features both coming from the government agencies and private sectors such as the following: Map Navigation where it shows both 2d and 3d view of the landmark, Weather Statistic Possibilities that is being monitored by PAG-ASA, emergency hot-lines connected to PNP, BFP and other security hotlines, Live Monitoring Cameras installed in each intersection, highways and major streets, traffic light signal indicators with timers, and most importantly the data-stored navigation for offline purposes.    A. Weather Statistic Possibilities    B. Map Navigation    C. Live Monitoring Cameras    D. Traffic light signal indicators


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