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Look at the After School Activities graphs in the Excel file “STA322 week 1 data” on the tab “Misleading”. Discuss the benefits of using Graph A versus Graph B.

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Look at the After School Activities graphs in the Excel file “STA322 week 1 data” on the tab “Misleading”.  Discuss the benefits of using Graph A versus Graph B. 1.       Look at the After School Activities graphs in the Excel file “STA322 week 1 data” on the tab “Misleading”.  Discuss the benefits of using Graph A versus Graph B.  (15 points)   2.       Look at the Voting data in the Excel file “STA322 week 1 data” on the tab “Misleading”.  Use this data to address the problems below (20 points)   a.       Graph the data in a column (bar) chart and a pie chart.   b.      Compare and discuss the two graphs.  Are either of the charts graphed in part a misleading? If so, why?    3.       In your future career, you will be asked to collect data, analyze data and write reports.  In the analysis of data, you may choose to display your results in a graph.  This week as we discussed misleading graphs, we learned that we need to be aware of these types of graphs, not only for reporting results, but also as we read and interpret graphs (to be observant and look for key points on a graph).  Find (and submit) a graph that appears to be misleading and discuss it.  Explain ways you would change the graph to make it appear more accurate. (15 points)   Sampling Techniques   4.       Look at the Excel file “STA322 week 1 data” of tab “Sampling.”  The survey question asked was “Do you have a college degree or are you working toward a college degree?”  Data is shown using 2 different types of sampling (Convenience –asking your family to complete the survey and Cluster-asking 5 students from 3 classes).  Using the data provided, discuss each set of data and the sampling techniques.  Would either of these sampling techniques provide useful information for you? Are these the best sampling techniques if you are deciding how many people either have or are working toward a college degree?  (20 points)   Determine the sampling technique of the following (convenience, cluster, stratified, simple random or systematic).   5.       A class of seniors is divided into 4 groups to work community service projects throughout the year.  2 students are chosen from each group to present their yearly service at graduation. (6 points)   6.       The website has a pop-up coupon for every 100th customer that logs in on Saturdays. (6 points)   7.       In a survey sent to 20 employees, questions were asked about their training they received.  The sample consisted of those who chose to complete and submit the survey.  (6 points)   Determine whether the type of data in each scenario is qualitative, quantitative-discrete or quantitative continuous.       8.       The amount of fat in the breakfast bar is 2.4 grams. (6 points)   9.       There were 126 students that signed up for Student Council. (6 points)   10.   The leaders present at the conference were separated into Secretary, Treasurer and President. (6 points)   Determine if the data in each scenario represents a parameter or a statistic.   11.   All students completed a survey.  The results showed that 57% had children. (7 points)   12.   In a class of 25 students, 8 were surveyed. The results were that 25% had children. (7 points)


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