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Paulo is a 65-year-old citizen of Brazil. He had been the humble owner of a small bistro serving simple local cuisine in Rio De Janeiro before he decided to give up work at the age of 63.

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Paulo is a 65-year-old citizen of Brazil. He had been the humble owner of a small bistro serving simple local cuisine in Rio De Janeiro before he decided to give up work at the age of 63. Paulo is a 65-year-old citizen of Brazil. He had been the humble owner of a small bistro serving simple local cuisine in Rio De Janeiro before he decided to give up work at the age of 63. His business had become more tiring to him than profitable. He closed down the restaurant and spent most of his time at home. He owns a house in the village where he grew up. After his divorce, 10 years ago, his brother Alfred moved in to stay with him. Both his children José and Adriana live in Canada. Paulo receives a monthly pension. He has never travelled outside of Brazil.     His son, José, is a permanent resident in Canada. He was sponsored by his spouse and has been residing there for 18 months now. They live in their own house that they purchased a few weeks ago in Edmonton, Alberta. José’s wife is the owner of a coffee shop. Her business is growing fast with revenues of about $200,000 per year. Her net income per year is about $25 000. José is a painter and was able to sell some of his artwork and generate an income of $12,000 last year. The couple is thinking of purchasing a new coffee shop soon and has $60 000 in savings. As for José’s younger sister, Adriana, she started working after her graduation in a hospital in Edmonton Alberta and her income last year was $25,000.       José plans to invite his father Paulo to visit him every summer so that he doesn’t stay alone in Brazil. When Paulo visits Canada, both his children are planning for a family weekend in Banff and Calgary to celebrate Adriana’s birthday in July.        What questions do you need to ask the client? Draft a list for interview questions with the client. What guidance would you offer the client given their summer travel plans? How might Cochran and Pistone help you prepare for your mock interview? 


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