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Pretend you are a sports dietitian and your client, Jonah, comes in asking for help with diet planning to improve his athletic performance. Jonah is 5 foot 10 inches, weights 170 pounds, and

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Pretend you are a sports dietitian and your client, Jonah, comes in asking for help with diet planning to improve his athletic performance. Jonah is 5 foot 10 inches, weights 170 pounds, and Pretend you are a sports dietitian and your client, Jonah, comes in asking for help with diet planning to improve his athletic performance. Jonah is 5 foot 10 inches, weights 170 pounds, and is a runner who is training for his first marathon. He complains that he’s been feeling fatigue during his trainings, and his goal is to maintain energy during his run to finish the marathon. He runs for about 5-15 miles a day for his training, and the runs last between 1-3 hours per run. 1. While running at a leisurely pace during his training, what is the main source of fuel powering his run? (hint: running is a moderate intensity exercise, so what macronutrients is he burning?) (1 point) 2. If he were to start sprinting, a high intensity exercise, what would be his main source of fuel? (1 point) 3. Calculate the range of grams of carbohydrate he should be consuming daily. (2 points)a. See the section on “Macronutrient needs” in the physical activity lectures for carb goals.b. Hint: recommendations are given as a range in grams per kilogram. To calculate, first convert his weight to kilograms by dividing his weight in pounds by 2.2. Then multiply his weight in kilograms by the grams per kilogram recommendations on both ends of the range. Your final answer will be a range of carbs in grams. 4. Calculate the range of grams of protein he should be consuming daily. (2 points)a. See the slides on “Macronutrient needs” in the physical activity lectures for protein goals. 5. Before his runs, Jonah typically eats a salami and cheese sandwich on white bread, a side salad of lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese with Italian dressing and a chocolate chip cookie. (2 points)a. What do you think of his pre-workout meal? b. Are there any changes you would make? (be specific in your recommendations – what would you change/recommend instead?) 6. After his runs, he typically eats 2 slices of cheese pizza, carrot sticks with hummus, and a soda. (2 points)a. What do you think of his post-workout meal? b. Are there any changes you would make? (be specific in your recommendations – what would you change/recommend instead?)


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