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The average weight and height for a healthy newborn in the United States is:

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The average weight and height for a healthy newborn in the United States is: Question 1 (TCO 4) The average weight and height for a healthy newborn in the United States is:   5.5 pounds and 14-16 inches long.   6.5 pounds and 16-18 inches long.     7.5 pounds and 18-22 inches long.   8.5 pounds and 22-24 inches long.   Question 2 (TCO 4) A pre-term infant is one that is born:   weighing less than 5.5 lbs.   less than 17 inches long.     before 38 weeks’ gestation.   prior to the full development of the respiratory system.   Question 3 (TCO 5) What percentage of neural tube defects is related to the mother’s intake of folate before and during pregnancy?   25   30     50     70   Question 4 (TCO 6) Why is it crucial for the fetus to store adequate iron during gestation?     Breast milk is low in iron.   Iron from breast milk and formula is poorly absorbed.   The fetus loses a great deal of iron during delivery.   During the first month of life, the infant is unable to store iron.   Question 5 (TCO 7) The only thing that will cure preeclampsia is:     delivery of the infant.   hypertensive medication.   low-sodium diet.   bedrest.   Question 6 (TCO 8) The brain grows the most rapidly during the first ________ years of life.     two   five   eight   10   Question 7 (TCO 9) Bobby is three years old and weighs 36 pounds. How many grams of protein should he consume each day?     15 grams     18 grams   20 grams   28 grams   Question 8 (TCO 10) Atrophic gastritis is a common condition among older adults that impairs the ability to absorb ________.        Vitamin B6     Vitamin B12   Vitamin C   zinc   Question 9 (TCO 10) Peak bone mass is typically achieved in:   late childhood.   early teens.     late teens and early 20s.   the late 30s.   Question 10 (TCO 10) Growth acceleration in adolescence is primarily driven by:   increased physical activity.    increased caloric intake.     hormonal changes.   both increased physical activity and increased caloric intake.


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