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The law basically does not support an employer’s right to read electronic mail and other electronic documents.

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The law basically does not support an employer’s right to read electronic mail and other electronic documents. The law basically does not support an employer’s right to read electronic mail and other electronic documents.   Privacy regulations are basically the same from country to country around the world.   ______________ is the right to determine when, and to what extent, information about you can be gathered and/or communicated to others.   ______________ is an electronic profile of you and your habits.   ______________ is the process of forming a digital dossier.   Which of the following is NOT an example of a profiler?   The right of privacy ___________ absolute.   Risk management identifies, controls, and minimizes the impact of threats to the organization’s information security.   Which if the following is not a common risk mitigation strategy?   Which of the following is NOT a lesson learned from the Sony Picture Entertainment hack on November 24, 2014?   ___________ is threatening to steal or actually stealing information from a company and then demanding payment to not use or release that information.   Phishing is an example of __________.   You start browsing your favorite home improvement company’s website and notice someone has changed all the logos to their main competitor’s logos. This is an example of ___________.   Application software is a set of instructions that serves primarily as an intermediary between computer hardware and application programs.   Software consists of the instructions given to computer hardware.   Application software is a set of computer instructions that provide specific functionality for a user.   Personal application software consists of widely used packages such as word processing, spreadsheet, communications, and graphics software.   Hardware costs have been _______________ over time and software costs have been _______________ over time.   _________________ software is an intermediary between computer hardware and _________________ software.   Hardware interacts directly with _______________ software.   Hardware has become less complex while software has become more complex.   Discrete speech-recognition software recognizes and interprets one word at a time.   The set of computer programs used to manage hardware resources is called:   It is not necessary for computer programs to have documentation, because the code itself is easy to read and follow.   Computer hardware is designed specifically for a particular application.


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