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The synergy between economic growth and technological innovation has been the most significant engine of change for the last 200 years, but unless we improve our economic, environmental, and

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The synergy between economic growth and technological innovation has been the most significant engine of change for the last 200 years, but unless we improve our economic, environmental, and  1. The synergy between economic growth and technological innovation has been the most significant engine of change for the last 200 years, but unless we improve our economic, environmental, and social behaviors, the next 100 years could be disastrous. Reflect on all parts of this statement. Write a reflective  that addresses the full themes of this statement. Use concepts the UN Sustainable Goals, other readings in the course, and outside research to back up your opinions and analysis.   __CommonAssessmentChoicesFall20221.pdf UNIV 2002 Instructions Students will submit their essays via Webcampus as an assignment. Note to the students: Please focus on the following points as you prepare your essay. 1. The essay question requires that you integrate information taken from several different (referenced) sources, to organize that information, and to summarize the information with conclusions that may be new to you. 2. Begin with a thesis statement, (or a claim) that you will explain and justify in your essay. Support your ideas with a rationale and evidence (not opinion statements such as “I think”) that are logically organized throughout the essay. Your ideas and the support should be clear to the reader. 3. Select relevant material to illustrate your points and provide specific references to class readings as well as additional research that you conduct via FDU library resources. Your essay must make substantive reference to at least three resources. Do not cite, quote, or reference from Wikipedia or general non-verifiable sources. References should follow a standard citation format (APA, MLA, Chicago) per your instructor. 4. Your essay should reflect appropriate grammar and syntax. 1. The synergy between economic growth and technological innovation has been the most significant engine of change for the last 200 years, but unless we improve our economic, environmental, and social behaviors, the next 100 years could be disastrous. Reflect on all parts of this statement. Write a reflective essay that addresses the full themes of this statement. Use concepts the UN Sustainable Goals, other readings in the course, and outside research to back up your opinions and analysis. Length 3 to 4 Pages. Scoring Rubric: Support for the topic/issue/problem raised 4) Response uses at least 3 effective and relevant examples to provide full evidence of task fulfillment 3) Response uses either 3 examples that are relevant to the topic to provide good, but not full evidence of the task fulfillment (i.e., relevance of each example not explicitly clear) or Response uses at least 2 effective and relevant examples to provide good evidence of task fulfillment 2) Response uses either 3 examples that are relevant to the topic to provide adequate, but not full nor good evidence of the task fulfillment (i.e., relevance of multiple examples not clear) or Response uses at least 2 effective and relevant examples to provide good evidence of task fulfillment (i.e., examples not numerically adequate), or Response uses 1 example that is relevant to the topic to provide full or good evidence of task fulfillment. 1) Response does not clearly use any evidence to support task fulfillment. Coherent conclusion 4) Response clearly explains a conclusion that logically and fully matches the evidence presented to support the essay. 3) Response explains a conclusion that does a good job of following the logic and evidence offered in the response, although the conclusion is not fully explored, explained, or developed in the essay. 2) Response offers a conclusion that adequately summarizes the topic of the essay but this conclusion remains superficial or unclear. 1) Response does not offer any conclusion to the essay. Support for the topic/issue/problem raised 4) Response uses at least 3 effective and relevant examples to provide full evidence of task fulfillment 3) Response uses either 3 examples that are relevant to the topic to provide good, but not full evidence of the task fulfillment (i.e., relevance of each example not explicitly clear) or Response uses at least 2 effective and relevant examples to provide good evidence of task fulfillment 2) Response uses either 3 examples that are relevant to the topic to provide adequate, but not full nor good evidence of the task fulfillment (i.e., relevance of multiple examples not clear) or Response uses at least 2 effective and relevant examples to provide good evidence of task fulfillment (i.e., examples not numerically adequate), or Response uses 1 example that is relevant to the topic to provide full or good evidence of task fulfillment. 1) Response does not clearly use any evidence to support task fulfillment. Coherent conclusion 4) Response clearly explains a conclusion that logically and fully matches the evidence presented to support the essay. 3) Response explains a conclusion that does a good job of following the logic and evidence offered in the response, although the conclusion is not fully explored, explained, or developed in the essay. 2) Response offers a conclusion that adequately summarizes the topic of the essay but this conclusion remains superficial or unclear. 1) Response does not offer any conclusion to the essay.


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