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The waterfall project management model is often used for non-IT projects, while the Agile project management model is often used for IT projects.

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The waterfall project management model is often used for non-IT projects, while the Agile project management model is often used for IT projects. The waterfall project management model is often used for non-IT projects, while the Agile project management model is often used for IT projects.   Why is this case?   What differences between IT and non-IT projects make each more appropriate for a different project management model? Are there exceptions?   What drawbacks might occur from using the waterfall model for an IT project and the Agile approach for a non-IT project?               CMGT410 Project Planning and Implementation   Week 2 Discussion     Off-the-Shelf or Build in-House?   IT projects can be based on existing, off-the-shelf software that is customized to meet the needs of the project deliverables. Or, IT projects can be built from the ground up, in-house. Imagine you and your colleagues are consultants who have been asked to weigh in on the custom vs. off-the-shelf question at the beginning of an IT project at a Fortune 500 company.    What are the benefits of choosing and customizing off-the-shelf software to meet your project’s needs vs. building the entire project in-house.   What are the drawbacks?   Consider cost, the impact on the in-house team’s development staff, the software’s ability to grow with future project requirements, and how the choice will affect project support and maintenance.       CMGT410 Project Planning and Implementation   Week 3 Discussion     Working Through Project Hazards   Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students.   Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:   In a perfect world, every project would be characterized by clear project requirements that never changed; motivated/capable team members; proven technologies; more than adequate budgets in terms of time, money, and resources; responsible/knowledgeable stakeholders; and seamless, effective communication so that when a problem arises, it is communicated and dealt with quickly. However, we do not live in a perfect world!   In your opinion, which three of the five common project hazards described in the book have the potential to be the most costly? Explain why.   Reply to at least 2 of your classmates who prioritized project hazards differently than you. Explain why you disagree with your peer. To persuade your peer to see your point of view, illustrate your position by describing an example situation from the book, from your own experience, or from an online case study. Be constructive and professional in your responses.                   CMGT410 Project Planning and Implementation   Week 4 Discussion     Scope Creep   Scope creep refers to the tiny, incremental change or addition of requirements to an already-defined project so that, for example, a project that began by trying to produce a single ham sandwich ended up trying to produce a three-course meal for 20 people.   For this discussion, describe a time when scope creep happened on a project in which you were involved. The project you describe may be from work (such as being affected by an IT upgrade project), school (such as participating in a team assignment), or personal life (such as planning a wedding).   Who was responsible for adding requirements?   Who was responsible for accepting them?   Were the additional requirements introduced early in the project process, or late?   What were the outcomes? That is, was the expanded scope implemented, or not?   Did the project come in over budget? Was it delayed? Was it cancelled?   If you have never been involved in any type of project in which scope creep occurred, research specific causes of project scope creep and share at least two causes that are not listed in your textbook. Be sure to cite your sources in APA format.       CMGT410 Project Planning and Implementation   Week 5 Discussion     Feature Requests   All projects are perfect at the beginning—but few are perfect when they end. Sometimes, project managers gather descriptions of features that weren’t included in the initial release of a product and slate them for inclusion into a “2.0” version of the deliverables. Imagine you have been asked to submit a feature request for the VitalSource application you use to read your textbook for this course.   What feature would you request?   Be sure to describe it in sufficient detail so that the VitalSource programmers could understand and implement your request.   Reply to at least 2 of your classmates, explaining whether the request is clear and complete enough for you to understand how to implement the request if you were a programmer at VitalSource.   Has your colleague described the situation(s) in which the new feature should work?   How the feature should work? What the program should do if the feature does not/cannot work in a given instance?   If your colleague’s request is not clear or complete, explain what information is lacking. Be constructive and professional in your responses.


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