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Toulmin Argument Work ?Purpose of Work Throughout English Composition II, you have utilized research skills, problem solving skills, and analytic skills. The Toulmin Work provides the student

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Toulmin Argument Work ?Purpose of Work Throughout English Composition II, you have utilized research skills, problem solving skills, and analytic skills. The Toulmin Work provides the student  Work  3: Toulmin Argument Work  Purpose of Work Throughout English Composition II, you have utilized research skills, problem solving skills, and analytic skills. The Toulmin Work provides the student the opportunity to revisit some elements of Classical Argument and analyze another form of argumentative structure. Requirements The work should include the following: • MLA format. • 3-4 pages (double-spaced) not including Works Cited page • In-Text citations in the body of the Work • Minimum of 4 sources from legitimate sources • Works Cited page with properly formatted entries for each source cited.  Skills This assignment helps you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in school and your professional life beyond school. In this assignment you will: • Access and collect needed information from appropriate primary and secondary sources • Synthesize information to develop informed views to produce and refute argumentation • Compose a well-organized, Toulmin argument to expand your knowledge of a topic Prompt An argument written in this manner unfolds to reveal both the strengths and limits of the argument. This is as it should be. No argument should pretend to be stronger than it is or apply further than it is meant to. The point here isn’t to “win” or “beat” all the counterarguments; the point is to come as close to the truth or as close to a realistic and feasible solution as we possibly can. Toulmin’s model reminds us that arguments are generally expressed with qualifiers and rebuttals rather than asserted as absolutes. This lets the reader know how to take the reasoning, how far it is meant to be applied, and how general it is meant to be. For this work you will craft a Toulmin argument utilizing your working annotated bibliography/research proposal and topic and how it applies to a global audience. Criteria for Success A summary of the grading criteria for this assignment are as follows. For detailed criteria, see the assignment rubric. Category Description Points Mechanics Students will communicate using academic language and conventions of Standard American English. 30 Formatting Students will format an work utilizing MLA style formatting. 20 Works Cited Students will create a Works Cited page utilizing MLA style and formatting. 20 In-Text Citations Students will utilize MLA style citations and format. 20 Critical Thinking Students will demonstrate the ability to think critically, to analyze, critique, and draw reasoned conclusions. 40 Integrate Evidence Students will gather and integrate credible evidence from a variety of sources. 35 Organization Students will present information in a unified and coherent manner. 40 Content Students will write an work that responds to all parts of the prompt. Use the information above to answer the question below 3 pages excluding work cited page in MLA format i need it in 24 hours.  Post your final draft of the Toulmin Argument work  to this area. This copy of the Toulmin Argument work will be graded. Consult the work Assignment Sheet and Grading Rubric (week 6) to ensure you have met assignment requirements. Do not submit your Classical Argument work again. This version must be better researched, better written, and better sourced. The goal is to improve your persuasive language, ideas, and evidence. If you have reused sections from either of your prior work, be certain you have your instructor’s permission before submitting.  


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