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Understanding the Role of IT Relationship in B2C eCommerce

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Understanding the Role of IT Relationship in B2C eCommerce Understanding the Role of IT Relationship in B2C eCommerce   For decades, the Management Information Services (MIS) department had focused on their internal customers. With the growth of eCommerce, more MIS departments are working with the Marketing department to build or integrate websites and/or mobile apps with these internal systems.   Review Table 7.1 on page 218 of Introduction to Information Systems, and choose a commercial website that you use frequently. Respond to the following questions:   • Which of the business models in Table 7.1 does this site use and why?   • What aspect of the site do you suspect requires integration with an internal system?   • If you were on the design team for this site, what would you suggest as ways to improve the user experience?   Discussion Question: Understanding the Relationship Between the End User and Social Media   Materials: Salman Khan: Let’s Use Video to Reinvent Education and Khan Academy website   When people and your textbook talk about Web 2.0, it is hard to really find a clear definition of what kind of website can be classified as a Web 2.0 site. However, the founder of Khan Academy, Salman Khan saw a way to use short videos to further education. He started a site that is a cosmic shift in how websites can change peoples’ lives. His site is   Before you go to that site, watch the video presentation in your Course Materials of Khan’s TED Talk.   After watching the video, share the key reasons you feel using social media can make a difference in the way employees are educated.   Discussion Question: System Adoption   Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following:   Describe three types of systems used in organizations. Note the factors that normally lead to adopting the system and requirements that will likely push its future growth of each type.   Discussion Question: Transformational IT   Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following:   Discuss an IT system that has transformed the way organizations in at least one field carry out work. Note what requirements drove the system to be developed and what requirements are likely to drive it to change in the future.


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