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Understanding Transaction Processing Systems

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Understanding Transaction Processing Systems Understanding Transaction Processing Systems   The nervous system of many organizations is the Transaction Processing System (TPS). As described in Week One,   accurate data is the foundation of information and knowledge transfer in an organization. The key requirements of a   TPS are:   • One or more users accessing the system simultaneously   • Data that is moving through the system is protected from disruptions in the process   • It is mandatory that a transaction can be reversed   • All transactions must have an audit trail   Respond to the following topics on a TPS in use at your company or one that you use in your daily life, such as an   ATM:   • Describe the purpose of the system and the data that is collected.   • Describe the departments that receive and process the data.   • Describe some of the managerial reports produced by the system and how the report assists in decision making.   • Describe the benefit to your company of having such a system.   Instructions   Discussion Question: Understanding Functional Systems   One of the roles of a Director of MIS or CIO is to understand his or her portfolio of information systems. Some of these systems are common to all organizations, and some are unique to the company’s industry, and some are unique to the core business of the company. In Ch. 10 of Introduction to Information Systems, you learned about the more common systems. Let’s take the opportunity to learn about some of the more unique systems.   Describe a unique information system or subsystem at your company by responding to the following questions. If you do not have knowledge of a unique business system, then respond with a description of a unique system that you use personally that your classmates may not know about or have knowledge of.   • What is the primary purpose of the system?   • Which stakeholders benefit from using the system?   • When and how did the company acquire and implement the system?   • How would you enhance the system if you had responsibility for it?   Discussion Question: Mobile Computing   How is mobile computing, Web 2.0, and social media changing how IT systems are used?   Discussion Question: Mobile Devices and IT Systems   How are mobile devices changing the way IT systems are used? What are the useful aspects and dangers of these devices? What can organizations do to maximize value and minimize risk when users use these devices?


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