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What are the data items on the receipt?

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What are the data items on the receipt? Find a receipt from a current purchase you made and answer the following questions:   • What are the data items on the receipt?   • Which ones are static and which ones are dynamic?   • Based on this data, what kind of informational report could you design for a store manager?   • Based on that report, what knowledge would the manager gain that is actionable?   Discussion Question: Understanding Process   Includes THREE (3 Long Answers) to this Discussion Question!   Materials: Learning Team Strategies for Success Video   One critical requirement that IT organizations are looking for in their human resources is the ability to work in a team. Information Systems have become so complex that specialists from multiple disciplines have to work together to solve problems or design new software. In this course, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with your classmates. In future courses, you will work with a team to complete an assignment.   Design a list of steps that you would execute if you were the team leader that would help your team get off to a good start.   Discussion Question: Information Systems vs. Information Technology   Includes FIVE (5 Long Answers) to Discussion Question!   The terms “information system” (IS) and “information technology” (IT) are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are not the same. It is important for your professional credibility to understand the difference and to use the terms   appropriately.   Summarize the differences between an IS and IT.   Provide an example of an IS and IT from your personal or professional experience and explain your example.   Example: Tickets are scanned as people enter the state fair.   • The ticket scanners are information technology components. They are input devices that gather information about the redeemed ticket. They are also output devices as they confirm the validity of the ticket.   • The software that gathers and stores the redeemed ticket information is part of the information system used to track data related to attendance and ticket sales sources.   Post your response to the discussion forum.   Respond to a minimum of two of your peers.   Discussion Question: Access to Knowledge is Power   Includes FIVE (5 Long Answers) to Discussion Question!   Information technology has advanced to the point where we can almost literally “never be out of touch” with data, information, and other people. Almost instant access can be a benefit to those working with and using the information.   Select one information system in use at an organization with which you are familiar (e.g., work, library, school, government agency, or community organization).   Explain its importance and benefits to the organization.   Example: A community food pantry tracks donations, dispersals, and inventory at multiple locations throughout the community. The information system provides information about high-use, excess inventory, and low inventory, so the   coordinators can move inventory to where it is needed. This enables the organization to serve the most community members possible and reduce waste from unused inventory at lower-volume sites.   Post your response to the discussion forum.   Respond to a minimum of two of your peers.   Discussion Question: IT Role   Includes THREE (3 Long Answers) to this Discussion Question!   The role of the Information Services Department has significantly changed since computers became a necessity for business. In Table 1.2 of Introduction to Information Systems is a description of those changes.   Select two of the new consultative tasks that you feel you would like to be part of your job description and describe the following:   Why do you feel those tasks are a good fit for your skills?   Why do you feel those tasks are needed at your company or any company?   Discussion Question: Information Systems in Organizations   Includes Long Answer to Discussion Question!   What is a specific role an information system can play in an organization? What are three components of this system? How do they work in the enterprise?   Discussion Question: IT Systems   Includes TWO (2 Long Answers) to Discussion Question!   How can an IT system initially help a company advance, but later become a requirement for that business to stay competitive?


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