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What is the primary purpose of research?

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What is the primary purpose of research? Question 1What is the primary purpose of research?   To make money   To earn a good grade   To create new knowledge   To become famous   Question 2According to the presentation, up to how many steps are involved in the research process?   3   5   7   10   Question 3Which of the following steps in the research process is optional?   Grant   Research    Idea   Write Manuscript   Question 4What is one key difference between an editor and a peer reviewer?   Peer reviewers know the identity of the author, but the editor doesn’t   The editor is always paid, but peer reviewers usually aren’t   Editors focus on grammar, while peer reviewers care only about content   Editors know the identity of the author, but peer reviewers don’t       Question 5One main purpose of APA format is to give credit to the sources you have used.     True   False   Question 6Which of the following must be cited?   Direct quotations from sources   Facts found in sources   Ideas expressed in sources   All of the above   Question 7What is the correct way to cite a page number of a source in text?    (7)   Page 7     (p.7)    (P.7)   Question 8Which of the following is an example of a correct in-text citation using APA format?    (Mary T. Jones, 2016)    (Jones, 2016)   Jones, 2016    (2016, Jones)   Question 9Which of the following is good advice for researchers?   Always give credit for ideas that aren’t your own   Use quotation marks to indicate a direct quote   Provide complete and accurate references on the final page of your paper   All of the above   Question 10Who makes the ultimate decision on whether to publish an article in a scholarly journal?     The editor   Peer reviewers   The author   The university president   Question 11Which of the following is not a common criticism of the peer-review process?   Too time consuming    Not enough experts for peer review   Suppresses alternative points of view     Too expensive   Question 12As long as you list all the sources you’ve used in the References page, you don’t need to cite them in text.   True     False   Question 13All sources listed in the References page of your paper must be cited in text.   True    False    Question 14Where can you find more about APA format?   Tutorial on APA in Course Resources    Citation Machine    Chapter on APA format in the textbook    All of the above


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