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You will assemble the basic understanding of the managerial economic issues you have learned thus far to critically evaluate the function and appropriate size of the government as well as the

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You will assemble the basic understanding of the managerial economic issues you have learned thus far to critically evaluate the function and appropriate size of the government as well as the Purpose You will assemble the basic understanding of the managerial economic issues you have learned thus far to critically evaluate the function and appropriate size of the government as well as the economic effects on businesses. You will build skills in seeking out relevant and quality data, combine and analyze the information you gather, then formulate a coherent position based on researched evidence. This assignment also requires you to clearly communicate in a written format by using the general education skills of critical thinking, communication, and information literacy. Task This assignment requires you to write a position paper using the classical argument structure The topic/question you need to address is, · “What size of government is appropriate for America, and what are the economic effects the government will have on business?” Some issues that should be included in your paper include the role of government in American life, what is meant by the size of government, how the government is connected to its budget and businesses, and the purposes or outcomes of government. Also include concepts such as cost analysis, production analysis and demand analysis. Criteria You will write an APA style position paper (800 – 1000 words). Write your paper using the classical argument structure which can be found in the attachment section. Your paper must not exceed the word count requirement and should reflect college-level scholarly writing. ClassicalArgumentPositionPaperStructure.docx Classical Argument Position Paper Structure Follow this structure for your position paper. · Consult at least four academic sources for your paper. Other sources are allowable but be mindful of credibility of sources. Steer clear from politically-connected sources. List all sources in your reference list. · Cite at least three different sources in your paper. · Get the reader’s attention by means of an interesting, engaging introduction. · Give the necessary background information so the reader understands the issue. · Clearly state your position. · Provide a forecast of your main points in the paper. · Clearly state the reasons that support your position and support each reason with appropriate and sufficient evidence. · Summarize at least one major objection and effectively respond to it. · Provide a strong conclusion that summarizes your argument, calls for action and/or leaves a powerful impression. Note: Use appropriate APA style documentation for in-text citations and references. Reference list must be on a separate page.


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