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You will now take the knowledge gained from this course and create TWO original fictitious reports.

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You will now take the knowledge gained from this course and create TWO original fictitious reports. make a mock investigative report make a mock intelligence report apa format, and Turnitin report see attached doc for details and rubric  techwritingfinalassignment.docx You will now take the knowledge gained from this course and create TWO original fictitious reports. You can choose from the following reports for your Final Culminating Project: Intelligence Report Incident Report Investigative Report Traffic Report The reports must be at least 1 page in length, single spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman font. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE A PREVIOUSLY CREATED REPORT Be sure to follow the following rubric that will be used for grading: NOTE: Your final project for this course is to create these two reports and submit them for a grade. You must achieve an 80% on the final project, and an 80% on all Post-Tests to successfully complete this course. Each Report will be graded using the following rubrics: Culminating Project Rubric Report 1 Exceptional 25 points Average 20 points Developing 15 points Unsatisfactory 10 points Criterion Score Grammar and organization Student masterfully prepared a professional document demonstrating rules of composition, and free of grammatical and spelling errors. Student has prepared an acceptable professional document, but minor composition errors were noted. Student has not prepared a professional document due to poor demonstration of composition, poor grammar, or numerous spelling errors. Student has not prepared a professional document due to little or no demonstration of composition, and has multiple grammar and spelling errors. Score of Grammar and organization, / 25 Professional Written Skills Student masterfully uses high-quality professional written skills to project a positive image of the policing organization. Student has produced an acceptable document, but more refinement could be helpful in projecting a more positive image. Student’s work does not project a positive image of the police organization. Student’s does not meet any of the professional standards associated with a police agency or organization. Score of Professional Written Skills, / 25 Appropriate Style Applies appropriate style for the report including recording only the facts; omitting thoughts, reasoning, hunches, and conclusions; writing plain, straightforward sentences; choosing plain, everyday words, and avoiding wasting time with unnecessary words or expressions. Student applies appropriate style, but more refinement could be helpful to the reader. Student does not use appropriate style. Student does not use an appropriate style to the point of making the report unprofessional.  Score of Appropriate Style, / 25 Content of Report Student has clearly answered the What? When? Where? Why (if appropriate)? and How? Student has answered the What? When? Where? Why (if appropriate)? and How, but could have been more concise or clear in the narrative. Student does not provide enough details to understand the What? When? Where? Why (if appropriate)? and How? Student does not provide no details to understand the What? When? Where? Why (if appropriate)? and How? Score of Content of Report, / 25 Report 2 Exceptional 25 points Average 20 points Developing 15 points Unsatisfactory 10 points Criterion Score Grammar and organization Student masterfully prepared a professional document demonstrating rules of composition, and free of grammatical and spelling errors. Student has prepared an acceptable professional document, but minor composition errors were noted. Student has not prepared a professional document due to poor demonstration of composition, poor grammar, or numerous spelling errors. Student has not prepared a professional document due to little or no demonstration of composition, and has multiple grammar and spelling errors. Score of Grammar and organization, / 25 Professional Written Skills Student masterfully uses high-quality professional written skills to project a positive image of the policing organization. Student has produced an acceptable document, but more refinement could be helpful in projecting a more positive image. Student’s work does not project a positive image of the police organization. Student’s does not meet any of the professional standards associated with a police agency or organization. Score of Professional Written Skills, / 25 Appropriate Style Applies appropriate style for the report including recording only the facts; omitting thoughts, reasoning, hunches, and conclusions; writing plain, straightforward sentences; choosing plain, everyday words, and avoiding wasting time with unnecessary words or expressions. Student applies appropriate style, but more refinement could be helpful to the reader. Student does not use appropriate style. Student does not use an appropriate style to the point of making the report unprofessional.  Score of Appropriate Style, / 25 Content of Report Student has clearly answered the What? When? Where? Why (if appropriate)? and How? Student has answered the What? When? Where? Why (if appropriate)? and How, but could have been more concise or clear in the narrative. Student does not provide enough details to understand the What? When? Where? Why (if appropriate)? and How? Student does not provide no details to understand the What? When? Where? Why (if appropriate)? and How? Score of Content of Report, / 25 Total Score of Culminating Project Rubric, / 200


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