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Your loved one has just been diagnosed with a brand new disease. Two equally skilled doctors want to treat your loved one. Who should you trust more?

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Your loved one has just been diagnosed with a brand new disease. Two equally skilled doctors want to treat your loved one. Who should you trust more? Question 1 Your loved one has just been diagnosed with a brand new disease. Two equally skilled doctors want to treat your loved one. Who should you trust more?   The doctor who is famous, but also controversial. He has a reputation for not doing all of his own research, and for using the work of others without giving credit.   The doctor who is not famous, but who has done all of her own research and work to get where she is at today. She is universally respected by her peers.   Question 2   Which set of characteristics of the West Coast University Profiles of a Graduate most directly relates to the issues of plagiarism and copyright?  The West Coast University Profiles of a Graduate is available here.   Clinical Application and Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity as “health care citizens.”   Critical Thinking Skills and Global Awareness   Legal and Ethical Responsibilities and Professionalism   Knowledge Attainment and Legal and Ethical Responsibilities   Question 3 You wrote a blog that did not have a lot of readership. You find out years later that your cousin took your blog word-for-word without telling you and is selling it online as an eBook. It still has your name as the author, so you have credit, but your cousin has been earning all of the money from sales. What kind of situation is this?   Though it’s unfair to you, it’s still legal since your cousin is actually being successful now and no one read your work the first time around   Your cousin is plagiarizing your words!   Because you never gave permission for your work to be used in this way, this is a copyright violation of your intellectual property!   This is a very personal situation between relatives   Question 4 You and your classmate helped each other during a group assignment. Now that you have become friends, you are helping each other out by proofreading each other’s final papers. You realize that your friend has copied two paragraphs exactly word-for-word from the section you wrote in the previous group assignment. You do not see your name or any quotation marks anywhere. What is happening?   Your “supposed friend” isn’t really being a friend but is being a jerk!   Nothing is happening, because the paragraphs came from a group assignment   Copyright infringement   Your classmate is plagiarizing your words   Question 5 In which of the following scenarios would you have potentially violated copyright laws?   While writing a book on arthritis, you receive permission from Dr. Stevens to reprint a chapter from her book for use in yours.   You photocopy two pages of a three-hundred page workbook for a class assignment.   You upload a video of a speech from a renowned doctor’s website to your personal blog, which has 3,000 subscribers.  You did not receive permission to repost the video, and you did not give credit to the doctor presenting.


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